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Bachelor in Responsible Engineering and Sustainable Construction


1st year programme

After an initial period of harmonisation and acculturation, the student will be able to acquire the scientific fundamentals in mathematics and mechanics, the technical fundamentals of the construction sector, project management and managementknowledge of construction materials, particularly concrete, identification of environmental and social issues in the construction sector, and the ability to communicate orally and in writing in French, English, German and Spanish. The programme also includes entrepreneurial projects and a 2-month work placement.


2nd year programme: Work-linked training from the second year onwards

This is an opportunity to acquire engineering skills for the construction sector (strength of materials, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics), technical skills for the construction sector (topography, quantity surveys, formwork and reinforcement plans, digital modelling), in particular with a BIM project supervised by professionals.project supervised by professionals, and an introduction to research and innovation with a project on low-carbon materials, immersed in the BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs research laboratory. And there are always exercises linked to entrepreneurship and language study.

From the start of the 2024 academic year, you have two options. Either you choose the professionalization contract, or you continue with yourstudent status :

- For students with initial status, this 2ᵉ year offers the opportunity for a 3-month international work placement experience.

3rd year programme: 2 options
  • BIM Designer" specialisation
  • Specialisation: Construction andPublicWorksManagement

This highly professional year is punctuated by projects that provide real-life experience of the problems faced by BIM designers and modellers.

The "BIM Designer" speciality has renewed its openBIMaccreditation by bSFrance (2024-2027).

First certification in 2021.


This final year (like the second year) is accessible under student status, and also under a professional training contract, with a sandwich course in a company. The final year culminates in a 4-month end-of-studies project.

As with the Construction Engineering programme, the Bachelor's degree in Responsible Engineering and Sustainable Construction offers a progressive work placement programme. At the end of each year, a period in a company enables students to put their learning into practice in the field. These in-company periods also enable them to discover what it's like to work in an international context and to develop critical thinking skills during the Final Year Project period.




The main route for recruiting students for the BUILDERS Engineering School 's Bachelor's degree in Responsible Engineering and Sustainable Constructionis
for entry to the 1st year (BC1) and represents 50 places open to candidates from :

- Vocational Baccalaureate related to the construction, environment, digital or production sectors
- Technological Baccalaureate : Sti2D, STMG, STL,
- General Baccalaureate, all specialities

This recruitment route is part of the Parcoursup procedure.

Tuition fees are €6,900 per year - Possibility of state and/or school bursaries.

Possibility of doing the 2ᵉ and 3ᵉ year under a professionalization contract: €7,200

Good to know: Under a professional training contract, your tuition fees are fully covered by the host company, and you also receive a monthly salary. This makes it a particularly accessible and financially advantageous option for students.

What is a professionalisation contract?

The professionalisation contract is a sandwich course that combines periods of training at school with periods of work in a company. The aim is to enable students to gain professional experience while continuing their studies.

Advantages of the professionalisation contract:

  1. Tuition fees paid: The company pays the full cost of your training.
  2. Remuneration: You receive a monthly salary, the amount of which depends on your age and level of qualification.
  3. Work experience: You will develop practical skills on the job, making it easier for you to enter the job market once you have completed your qualification.

Who can benefit from a professionalisation contract?

The professionalisation contract is aimed at :

  • Young people aged 16 to 25,
  • Jobseekers aged 26 and over,
  • To recipients of certain minimum social benefits (RSA, ASS, AAH, etc.).

Opting for a professionalization contract from the 2ᵉ year of the Bachelor represents a unique opportunity to finance your studies while gaining valuable professional experience.


To obtain a Bachelor's degree , students must meet all the criteria set out in the course curriculum. This includes, in particular, achieving the required level in English, as assessed by the TOEIC test. The expected level corresponds to a minimum score of 600 points, i.e. a B1 level.

If a student does not achieve this level of English, he or she may be awarded an institutional diploma instead of the Bachelor Grade de Licence. Students wishing to obtain the Bachelor Grade de Licence will have to undertake to reach the required level in English during the following academic year.

What is an institutional diploma?

An institutional diploma is a qualification created and awarded by the higher education institution, outside the official framework defined by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Specific recognition

It does not automatically benefit from the official recognition attributed to national diplomas (licence, master, doctorate). However, it may be recognised by certain institutions, companies or professional bodies.

Professional value

An institutional diploma can be very well recognised in the target sector, particularly when the awarding institution has a strong reputation or an established network of industrial and academic partners.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Construction can go on to various careers in the building and public works sector, including :

  • Building site supervisor: responsible for supervising the construction of residential, tertiary or industrial buildings. They ensure that the work is carried out properly, in accordance with the plans, deadlines and safety standards.
  • Civil engineering works supervisor: Specialises in organising and monitoring infrastructure projects (roads, bridges, sewage networks, etc.). They coordinate teams and ensure compliance with the technical and environmental constraints specific to public works.
  • BIM technician: Specialist in building information modelling, working with the various stakeholders to optimise design and construction.
  • Construction project manager: Project manager, from the design phase through to completion, liaising between customers, suppliers and technical teams.
  • Eco-construction technician: Expert in sustainable construction techniques, proposing solutions that respect the environment and comply with current regulations.
  • Nuclear civil engineering technician: Involved in the design and maintenance of nuclear power plant infrastructures, guaranteeing compliance with safety standards and resistance to environmental constraints.
  • Nuclear civil engineering supervisor: responsible for monitoring work on nuclear sites (power plants, storage sites, etc.), ensuring compliance with regulations specific to the sector and the implementation of technical solutions tailored to safety requirements.

These professions offer opportunities in a variety of sectors, including construction, public works, the nuclear industry, urban planning and sustainable development.