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Sustainable contruction using BIM

more than 50 international lecturers experts from the consortium of partner universities and companies
  • Open to students that have completed three years of higher education in Civil Engineering or a
  • related field
  • A tailored mix of lectures, tutored group sessions, practical applications, and independent group
  • works over a period of 4,5 MONTHS
  • Choice of lectures depending on students background
  • A group dedicated to International students
  • Working language English-B2 level required
  • Project teams, dedicated lectures, technical visits, access to research lab
  • Assessment by 3 projects & 4 technical visits + 1 lab experiment
  • Successful project awarded with 30 ECTS credit points : International Full semester
General outline
Sustainable building using BIM - general outline


Lecture plan

The Built environment  - 4 ETCS

  • Introduction to architecture, city planning and urban sociology – history and trends
  • Urban facility management
  • Transformation and adaptive re-use of existing buildings and districts
  • Area networks (energy, water, waste and communications)
  • Sustainable construction and the use of recycled materials
  • Infrastructures maintenance and rehabilitation

Building design processes and methods - 5 ECTS

  • Circular innovation in different economic sectors
  • Lean Construction
  • Building information modelling and management
  • Project management in a BIM environment
  • Building pathology, maintenance and retrofitting
  • Research methods in civil engineering

Buildings A functional approach - 5 ECTS

  • Spaces (function, comfort, accessibility, light, sound, …)
  • Envelope (esthetics, energy, air, water, vapor, sound, …)
  • Advanced technologies for plus energy buildings and communities
  • Superstructures – why things don’t fall down and why sometimes they do
  • Infrastructure and foundations
  • Dealing with hazards (fire, earthquakes, flooding, ...)

Advanced structure design - 5 ECTS

  • Intuitive analysis of complex building typologies
  • Recycling, sustainable materials and wood-concrete composites
  • Earth and biosourced construction
  • Composite and timber structure for BIM design
  • Numerical modelling and design of RC and masonry structures for seismic actions
  • Prestressing for buildings

Integrated design project - 3 ECTS

  • Functional analysis and user-oriented design approaches
  • Research methods in civil engineering
  • Social responsability and ethics
  • Technical visits / Portfolio / English for the construction world

International Workshop - 8 ECTS

Optional Contest (Optional) - 6 ECTS










Learning outcomes