Since its creation, BUILDERS Ecole d'Ingénieurs has maintained close and lasting relationships with companies in the construction and public works sectors.
The creation of a corporate chair is the concrete expression of this special relationship. This type of partnership commits the school and the company in the medium to long term in terms of teaching and/or research.
The chairs offer BUILDERS Ecole d'Ingénieurs's engineering students the opportunity to access exclusive educational content and to share cutting-edge expertise on the specific issues of the partner companies.
Our Chairs :
• CHAIRE Groupe Legendre "Price studies”
• CHAIRE Les Canalisateurs "Network development, installation and rehabilitation”
• DEME Group CHAIR " Offshore works and renewable marine energies".
• VINCI CONSTRUCTION CHAIR "Methods, Production and Operational Excellence in Construction”
• EIFFAGE GENIE CIVIL CHAIR "Innovation and Civil Engineering”
• ARTELIA CHAIR "Engineering and Studies - complex and sustainable".