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Summer Schools

BUILDERS Summer Schools: an original approach to learning to collaborate internationally

Open to foreign students, the competition pits multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams against each other in projects based on genuine calls for tender. For one month, the various teams build their projects. They benefit from comprehensive pedagogical support - combining tutoring, specialized theoretical courses and lectures - provided by BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs teams and professional experts in the sectors concerned. 

Students from all over the world are also offered technical visits to prestigious sites, such as the Mont Saint Michel dam, the terminals at the port of Le Havre...


  • Offshore Renewable Energies and Aquaculture: the call for tenders concerns the construction of a floating salmon aquaculture farm, with the obligation to be energy self-sufficient.
  • Renewable construction: the call for tenders concerns the renovation and extension of a building. Projects must take into account specific aspects such as accessibility, energy efficiency and the ambience of the original building.
  • Port engineering and works: the aim here is to work on the development of a port. In addition to the need to build a new port, candidates must deal with the constraints of the site. 

Summer Schools 2024 is supported by the Normandy Region, Cerema, the FFB and FRTP professional federations and the following companies: Accoast, Antea, Artelia, Apave Cathie Associate, CSi Portugal, VCMF FondOuest, SDi/ DEME, ETMF, Eiffage GC, Geotec, G TEC, IMDC, Innosea, SAIPEM, Jan de Nul, Arcadis, Charier GC, Eiffage, Ingérop, VINCI Construction, BESIX, Bouygues.

Flyers Summer Schools



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