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CEREMA - 2022

Cerema and BUILDERS École d'Ingénieurs have strengthened their active collaboration by signing a joint teaching and research Chair at the first Maritime Engineering Conference, taking place in Caen from June 22 to 24.

BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs and CEREMA for maritime engineering and sustainable materials

Cerema and BUILDERS École d'Ingénieurs strengthened their active collaboration by signing a joint teaching and research chair at the inaugural Rencontres de l'Ingénieur Maritime, held in Caen from June 22 to 24.

This will enable us to strengthen our teaching in maritime engineering, and to promote and operate the wave canal, which provides leading national expertise in coastal and maritime hydraulics. It will also enable us to develop our activities in the field of sustainable materials.


BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs signe une chaire avec le CEREMA


BUILDERS and CEREMA work for coastal areas

Cerema and BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs have been actively involved in maritime engineering for almost 30 years. The two partners have joined forces with SHF, AIPCN and Syntec Ingénierie to create a new event that aims to become a showcase for French and European maritime know-how: the Rencontres de l'ingénierie maritime.

On this occasion, Cerema and BUILDERS École d'Ingénieurs, which are working together on innovative projects such as the use of drones to qualify the resilience of maritime structures, the development of digital twins of territories to better understand and control flood risks, and which together operate the wave channel, are strengthening their collaboration by signing this joint Chair.


BUILDERS École d'ingénieurs - Chaire CEREMA _ Les drones au cœur de l'ingénierie maritime



Developing marine engineering in BUILDERS courses

This Chair aims to work towards the development of sustainable maritime engineering and support for the blue economy.

It will :

strengthen teaching
promote and operate the wave channel
collaborate on finalized research and innovation partnerships in the fields of marine energies, coastal risks, coastal development and port infrastructure
develop joint initiatives on low environmental impact materials and thermal and energy issues in buildings, and facilitate the integration of junior engineers into projects...
This chair is part of the drive to consolidate the Normandy cluster as a benchmark for climate change adaptation, particularly for coastal areas and maritime developments. In the future, this thematic chair may evolve towards a tripartite extension with a business player.

BUILDERS école d'ingénieurs - Chaire CEREMA - Le Canal à Houle permet d'étudier l'impact de la houle sur les lottoraux