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Our role: Developing skills through innovative methods: the decompartmentalized field school

BUILDERS AuRA is in charge of managing action no. 2 "chantier-école - field school".

The skills development project is also based on large-scale renovation-construction projects in the Vaud area, and enables new ways of training to be invented by developing in-situ training courses that mix the various target audiences (pupils, students, apprentices, employees, jobseekers undergoing retraining, company managers, from CAP level to architect-engineer level), in order to work on the acquisition of technical skills as well as skills in collaborative working and Lean construction.

Builders is responsible for coordinating and managing the creation and dissemination of teaching sequences shared between FormLAB and CMQ members, around the themes of sustainable construction/rehabilitation/renovation.

FormLab: Train and be trained, a training engineering agency

The aim of the FormLab project is to provide innovative, operational solutions for skills development and support for companies involved in construction (design, building and public works) in the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region. All of the actions proposed to achieve this are part of a systemic approach that brings together economic players, academia and local authorities.

The FormLab scheme therefore plans to create:

  • A coordination mechanism between companies and training organisations
  • Developing innovative training courses
  • The development of support systems designed to facilitate and accelerate the dissemination of skills for VSEs/SMEs and their territories
  • A unique, shared space for training and experimentation on developments and innovations in the industry
  • An environment in which to discover the industry and its professions, "enhanced" by new technologies, to raise awareness among young people, employees and adults in work placements of this fast-changing, job-creating sector.


The national low-carbon strategy, the need to improve the energy performance of new buildings, the challenges of energy renovation and the need to improve the construction process are all challenges facing those involved in the construction process.

From project design to engineering, from planning to production, the need to embark on the fundamental change imposed by the need to take environmental requirements into account means that the efforts made over the last decade must be continued, and that innovative tools and methods must be deployed to promote synergy across the entire construction value chain.

The issue of greenhouse gas emissions is central to the building and civil engineering sectors. The issue of product life cycles, waste management and the construction sector's full entry into the circular economy is also becoming an imperative, and is reinforced by the recent provisions introduced by Law 2020-105 of 10 February 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy. To meet this key sustainable development challenge, the construction industry is focusing on innovative solutions to improve the energy performance of buildings.

Funding bodies

"Operation supported by the State and the Region as part of the IFPAI Action, the regional section of the Future Investment Programme, operated by Caisse des Dépôts (Banque des Territoires)."

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