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Towards digital teaching practices informed by cognitive science

The SCICONUM project proposes to design a range of training and support systems for teachers in the use of digital technology for teachers in the pedagogical uses of digital technology, with two main

  • the systems will all share a common evidence-based foundation, drawing on cognitive science to develop pedagogical uses of digital technology that genuinely improve the learning of pupils and students.
  • within partner organisations that employ teachers, the systems put in place offer a systemic approach, complementing the training modules with a whole ecosystem of tools, day-to-day support in the field and training for the professionals in charge of this support, with the aim of extending the training into a genuine transformation of day-to-day teaching practices.


The consortium is made up of 17 partners. The diversity of these members means that the 5 actions in the specifications can be covered:

  • Action 1: Initial and in-service training for schoolteachers via the Inspé and EAFC of the Aix-Marseille, Poitiers, Versailles and Grenoble education authorities and the use of the M@gistère national distance-learning system.
  •  Action 2: Support for the continuing education and professional development of higher education teachers in 5 institutions or groups of institutions (Galileo Global Education Business Centre, Builders Ecole d'Ingénieurs, IPSA Toulouse engineering school, Institut Régional du travail social Hauts-de-France, FORE Alternance Guadeloupe) and their network.
  •  Action 3: mobilisation of 4 associative or private bodies developing a range of innovative training services on a national scale for teachers, trainers and educational support professionals (Didask company, Apprendre et former avec les sciences cognitives association, Cog'X agency, Challenges team).
  • Action 4: integration into the project of training and tooling initiatives for professionals in educational design and support (in particular by the company Didask, the IRIT laboratory and the involvement of Edtech HDF in the University of Lille's DU Edtech).
  • Action 5: running training, innovation and research centres at the crossroads of players in the digital education ecosystem in the PACA (L'Epopée third-party centre run by Synergie Family) and Hauts-de-France (third-party centres run by members of the EdTech Hauts-de-France network) regions.

Funding bodies

Operation supported by the State as part of the AMI ‘Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir’ of the France 2030 Programme, operated by Caisse des Dépôts (La Banque des Territoires).
Bandeau financeurs